7 Tips for Better Pistol Shooting: Boost Your Accuracy and Speed

Focus on accuracy over speed, develop training plan, try dry firing or bench resting, and become interested in the mechanics of shooting for better aim.

7 Tips for Better Pistol Shooting: Boost Your Accuracy and Speed


Time to read: 7 minutes

Date: July 28, 2023

Pistol shooting–whether for competition or personal defense–requires a combination of two key factors: accuracy and speed. While both are important, accuracy should always be the priority. Achieving this requires dedicated practice and proper technique. In this article, we will explore tips for developing a well-defined training plan, improving your pistol shooting accuracy and speed, and the benefits of dry firing. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced shooter, these tips can help you boost your skills and achieve success in shooting sports.

Developing a Training Plan

Developing a well-defined training plan is crucial for competing in shooting sports. It’s important to define what success looks like for you and develop a plan to achieve it. When starting out, it’s best to focus on three things or less per training session to avoid feeling overwhelmed. 

Your training plan should focus on accuracy, as it’s the most important aspect of pistol shooting. By becoming really interested in the mechanics of shooting and focusing on what’s happening when you press the trigger, you can make fewer mistakes and improve your accuracy. By developing a solid training plan and sticking to it, you can build a strong foundation in proper technique and become a more accurate and consistent shooter.

Defining Success

As noted above, it’s important to define what success looks like for you and develop a training plan that will help you achieve it. This involves setting specific, measurable, and achievable goals that are tailored to your skill level and shooting aspirations. 

Remember that becoming a successful pistol shooter is a journey, not a destination. With dedication to defining success and developing a well-defined training plan, you can continue to improve your skills and achieve your goals.

Focus on Fewer Things

It’s easy to become overwhelmed when trying to improve your pistol shooting skills. There are numerous aspects to consider such as grip, stance, sight alignment, trigger control, and more. As such, it’s important to narrow down your focus by selecting three or fewer things to work on per training session. By limiting your focus, you can avoid becoming overwhelmed and improve at a faster rate. 

It’s important to prioritize accuracy over speed in pistol shooting, and practicing slowly can help you become more familiar with how your gun behaves when firing each shot. Incorporating dry firing drills and bench resting can also be helpful in developing proper technique and focusing on the mechanics of shooting. Remember, developing a well-defined training plan that focuses on a few key areas can help you achieve success and become a more proficient shooter over time.

Focus on Accuracy

In pistol shooting, accuracy is the most important aspect of the sport. While speed is important, getting the shot on target is the ultimate goal. Without accuracy, speed means nothing. Therefore, it’s crucial to prioritize accuracy over speed when practicing and competing.

To improve accuracy, dry firing is a great way to practice without the distractions of noise and recoil. Additionally, bench resting the gun can force you to use the sights properly and teach you proper sight alignment. Both will be discussed later in more detail.

Proper grip and stance are also essential for shooting accurately. Your support hand should be placed firmly against the side of the gun, with your thumb pointing forward. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, with your dominant foot slightly ahead of your non-dominant foot. Proper sight alignment is also key to accuracy. Focus on keeping your sights steady as you press the trigger.

It’s important to take your time and focus on proper technique rather than speed. Practice slowly so that you can become more familiar with how your gun behaves when firing each shot. Trigger control is one of the most important aspects of pistol shooting. Practice dry firing at a target and focus on pressing the trigger smoothly and consistently.

Lastly, having a consistent follow-through is an important part of improving your pistol shooting accuracy and speed. Utilize dry fire drills to improve accuracy and speed in pistol shooting competitions. With regular practice, dry fire drills can help shooters become more accurate in their pistol shooting skills over time.

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Becoming Interested in Mechanics

To become a proficient pistol shooter, it’s necessary to become interested in the mechanics of shooting. By focusing on what’s happening when you press the trigger, you can make fewer mistakes and improve your accuracy. Developing a keen interest in the process of shooting allows you to better understand its nuances and the importance of minimizing your errors.

This approach helps in avoiding the tendency to rush through shots, which can be detrimental to accuracy. By taking time to properly align sights and smoothly pressing the trigger, you can improve your accuracy and develop consistency in your shots. 

Moreover, having a deep interest in pistol shooting allows you to develop a more structured and effective training plan. By focusing on a few key aspects during each training session, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed and improve at a faster rate. 

Dry Firing

Dry firing is a popular practice among pistol shooters. It involves pulling the trigger on an unloaded gun, with no ammunition present. Dry firing at a target can allow you to practice and perfect your shooting technique without worrying about noise or recoil. This can help you focus on proper trigger control, sight alignment, and grip. 

Furthermore, dry firing can help you get a feel for where shots will land with different sight pictures, allowing you to make adjustments accordingly. Bench resting the gun can also help with proper sight alignment and teach you the importance of using your sights properly. 

Incorporating dry firing into your training routine can help you become more proficient in your pistol shooting skills over time. It’s important to devote ample time to dry firing practice to develop good form and proper technique. While dry firing is a helpful practice, it’s important to remember that it should always be conducted in a safe and responsible manner.

Bench Resting

Proper sight alignment is critical to achieving accuracy in pistol shooting. Bench resting the gun can help shooters learn the importance of using their sights properly and force them to focus on proper sight alignment. Bench resting involves placing the gun on a solid surface and stabilizing it with sandbags or other supports.

By bench resting the gun, shooters can eliminate the effects of recoil and focus on the fundamentals of sight alignment. This technique can teach shooters how to properly use the front and rear sights to align them with the target. Bench resting can also help with trigger control, as shooters can focus on smoothly and consistently pressing the trigger while the gun remains stable.

Practicing with bench resting can help shooters improve their accuracy and consistency. However, it’s important to note that bench resting should not be used exclusively in training, as it doesn’t mimic real-world shooting conditions. Nevertheless, incorporating bench resting into your training routine can help you develop a solid foundation in sight alignment and trigger control, which can translate into improved accuracy and speed when shooting without support.


In conclusion, becoming a proficient pistol shooter requires a combination of accuracy and speed. While speed can be important in competition, it should never come at the expense of accuracy. Prioritizing accuracy can be achieved through dry firing drills and bench resting, which can help with sight alignment and trigger control. Developing a well-defined training plan, setting goals, and focusing on a limited number of elements per session can help ensure steady improvement. 

Choosing the right pistol, proper grip and stance, and maintaining focus on sight alignment and follow-through are also crucial components to successful pistol shooting. Remember, consistent practice and dedication are essential to improving your pistol shooting skills and achieving your goals.


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