Exploring the .380 vs the 9mm – Which is Best?

.380 and 9mm are popular handgun calibers in self-defense and recreation. Consider size, power, recoil, cost, and ammo availability to choose the best fit for your needs.

Exploring the .380 vs the 9mm – Which is Best?


Time to read: 3 minutes

Date: April 6, 2023

The .380 and 9mm are two of the most popular handgun calibers among gun owners. Both cartridges have a long history stemming from the late 19th century, and they have both seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years. In this blog post, we’ll examine the history of each cartridge, compare them in terms of size, power, recoil, and cost, discuss the pros and cons of each, explore their popularity and common uses, as well as discuss ammunition availability, safety considerations, and provide resources for further reading.

History of .380 and 9mm

The .380 and 9mm cartridges have a long history, with the first .380 cartridge being developed in 1908 by John Moses Browning. The 9mm Luger was developed in 1901 by Georg Luger, and it is one of the most popular cartridges in the world today. In 1994, the Marlin Model 9 Camp Carbine was considered an assault weapon due to its detachable magazine and barrel shroud. 

Common Uses for .380 and 9mm

The .380 and 9mm are two of the most popular calibers for handguns. They are used for a variety of purposes, including self-defense and target shooting. The 9mm NATO round is designed to fire 9mm Luger handguns with a pressure of 36,500 psi compared to 35,000 psi for a standard round. This provides more power and performance than standard 9mm rounds. 

Ammunition Availability for .380 and 9mm

When it comes to ammunition, the 9mm NATO round is the most common. It has a higher pressure of 36,500 psi compared to the standard 9mm round’s 35,000 psi. This gives it more power and performance than standard rounds. Additionally, 18 European pistols are designed for NATO 124 grain ammo.

The .380 ACP is a smaller caliber than the 9mm Luger, and therefore has less power and performance. However, it is still a popular choice for self-defense due to its small size and lightweight. It is also easier to control with less recoil than the 9mm Luger.

Overall, both the 9mm NATO round and .380 ACP are great choices when it comes to ammunition availability. It all depends on what your needs are; if you’re looking for more power and performance then the 9mm NATO round is a great choice, but if you’re looking for something smaller and lighter than the .380 ACP is a good option.

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Safety Considerations for .380 and 9mm

When it comes to safety, the choice of caliber is important. Both the .380 and 9mm calibers have their advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to consider both when making a decision. The NATO round is more powerful than the standard 9mm round, but it also has a higher pressure rating. 


In conclusion, it is clear that .380 and 9mm are both popular choices for self defense and recreational shooting. Both calibers offer advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to consider your own needs and preferences when choosing a handgun. In terms of size, power, recoil, cost, and ammunition availability, the 9mm is generally the better choice. 

However, the .380 offers greater concealability and can be easier to control while shooting. Ultimately, selecting a handgun should come down to what best fits your lifestyle and goals. Be sure to do your research and practice safety at all times when handling firearms.


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