How Extreme Temperatures Affect Ammunition

Proper ammunition storage is vital to maintaining ammo quality and performance and preventing dangerous situations. Extreme temperature changes can cause malfunctions or reduced accuracy. Temperature-controlled storage can prolong shelf life and ensure consistent performance. Different ammo types react differently to temperature, so it’s crucial to opt for factory-made rounds and store ammo in a dry, cool place.

How Extreme Temperatures Affect Ammunition


Time to read: 6 minutes

Date: 05/22/23

Whether you’re a seasoned shooter or new to firearms, proper ammo storage is essential for maintaining the quality and performance of your ammunition. But have you ever wondered how temperature affects your ammo and your shooting performance? 

In this article, we’ll explore the science of ammo storage, the impact of temperature on different types of ammunition, and the best ways to store your ammo in various climates. By understanding these concepts, you can ensure that your ammunition is in optimal condition when it’s time to hit the range or go hunting.

The Most Direct Answer

Extreme heat can cause rounds to “cook off,” which means that the heat causes the gunpowder to ignite prematurely, potentially causing damage to your firearm or even injuring the person handling it. 

On the other hand, extremely cold temperatures can cause the metal casing of the ammunition to contract, which can make it difficult or impossible for the bullet to properly eject from the casing when fired. This can cause jams and misfires, which can also be dangerous.

Don’t let these awkward, even deadly, situations happen to you. Read on to find out how to store ammunition safely and avoid temperature-related deterioration and malfunction.

Reasons Why Temperature Matters

Extremely high temperatures

The heat can cause the bullets to expand, resulting in difficulty in loading the bullets in the firearms. This expansion can even lead to the bullet getting stuck in the gun, causing it to malfunction and damage the gun. The powder inside the bullet can also become less stable in high temperatures, leading to a change in velocity and compromising accuracy.

Extremely cold temperatures

On the other hand, lower temperatures can have an entirely different impact on ammo. The cold weather can affect the shape of the ammunition, causing it to contract. This contraction can reduce the overall size of the bullet, making it difficult to load into the firearm. The cold weather can also change the lubricity of the ammunition — how effortlessly it moves within the gun. Cold lubricants may thicken and can lead to a slower-moving bullet, affecting accuracy and distance.

Maintaining Temperature Control

To minimize the impact of temperature on your ammo storage, consider the following best practices:

  1. Store your ammunition in a climate-controlled environment: Ideally, the temperature should be maintained between 50°F and 70°F. This range will help prevent the gunpowder from becoming too sensitive or burning inefficiently.
  2. Avoid exposing your ammo to extreme temperature fluctuations: Keep your ammunition away from heating vents, air conditioning units, or direct sunlight, as these can cause significant temperature swings.
  3. Use proper storage containers: Invest in high-quality ammo cans or storage containers with airtight seals to protect your ammunition from humidity and potential condensation.

Maintaining temperature control while transporting ammunition

It’s also important to note that extreme temperature changes can occur during transportation, such as leaving ammunition in a hot car or exposing it to freezing temperatures in a cold trunk. These temperature changes can jeopardize the effectiveness of the ammunition and potentially cause safety hazards.

Advantages of Temperature-Controlled Ammo Storage

  • Longer shelf life: Storing your ammo in a temperature-controlled environment will protect it from the damaging effects of extreme temperatures, ultimately prolonging its shelf life.
  • Consistent performance: By maintaining a stable temperature, you can ensure that your ammunition performs consistently regardless of the weather conditions.
  • Protection from humidity: A temperature-controlled environment can also help control humidity levels, preventing condensation and corrosion.

Considerations to Make in Regards to Ammo Storage

  1. The type of ammunition: different types of ammo, such as factory ammo, brass-cased ammunition, or steel-cased ammunition all withstand temperatures differently. 
  2. Where you are located: this seems pretty obvious if you are aware of the typical weather where you live. Alaska residents will take different precautions than Florida residents. 
  3. How long you keep it stored: ammo doesn’t have a definitive experation date. But, after 10 years, it would be smart to take extra precautions. If you notice an expiration date on your ammo packaging (usually 10 years from the manufacturing date) this is just to save the brand’s butt. We suggest disposing of them if you even question this. 
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Temperature Effects on Different Types of Ammunition

  • Factory ammo: which is made to strict specifications, is generally less susceptible to temperature changes. However, it’s still crucial to store it properly to maintain its performance and shelf life.
  • Brass-cased ammo: is more resistant to corrosion than steel-cased ammo, making it a better choice for long-term storage. However, it’s essential to protect it from temperature fluctuations and humidity to prevent potential issues.
  • Steel-cased ammo: is more prone to corrosion due to the metal’s properties, making it essential to store it in a controlled environment and away from moisture.

How Can You Tell if the Cold Has Affected Your Ammunition?

Are you wondering if your ammo has been affected by extreme temperatures? It’s important to know that hot or cold weather can indeed have an impact on your firearm ammunition. Here are some key ways to tell if your ammo has been affected.

Firstly, check the brass. If it appears discolored, it may have gone through a hot spell. Brass can become tarnished and discolored due to high temperatures, indicating that the ammo has been exposed to heat. This could cause the ammo to misfire or even malfunction.

Secondly, take a look at the steel casing. If the steel casing has rust spots or discoloration, it could have been exposed to cold or moisture. This could cause the ammo to malfunction or not fire at all.

It’s important to note that if you store your ammo in a cool, dry place, it has a better chance of not being affected by temperature changes. Some factory ammunition is designed specifically to withstand extreme temperatures, but it’s always a good idea to check your ammo before using it.


In the end, extreme weather can have a significant impact on the performance of your firearm ammunition. The two types of ammo that are most affected by weather conditions are brass and steel cartridges. It’s vital to note that when these materials are exposed to high temperatures or moisture, their ballistic characteristics can change, resulting in major problems for gun owners. 

If you’re a firearm enthusiast looking to maintain an optimal level of accuracy and reliability, it’s essential to store your ammunition in a cool, dry place, and only use factory-made rounds. Doing so will ensure that your firearm remains functional, and you’ll be able to enjoy shooting, regardless of the weather conditions. 

But, for those daring enough to brave the elements, remember to take the necessary precautions within the environment, such as staying hydrated, bringing the necessary gear, and monitoring firearm safety while using your ammunition. 

Ultimately, as a firearm owner, it’s crucial to remain informed and attentive while venturing out in extreme weather conditions, ready for anything that comes your way with upgraded ammunition and a prepared and calibrated firearm. Stay safe, shoot well, and respect the conditions we’re given.


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