How to Get Started in 3-Gun Competition

3-gun competition combines rifle, pistol and shotgun use over multiple stages in a timed scenario, and requires physical and mental fitness, safety awareness and appropriate equipment. Benefits include practical shooting skills, problem-solving and a supportive community. Competitors should build their physical fitness through practice and preparation, and prioritize safety and technique over competitiveness.

How to Get Started in 3-Gun Competition


Time to Read: 10 minutes

Date: 05/05/23

Are you looking for a new and exciting sporting challenge? Consider 3-gun competition, a sport that combines the use of three different firearms: rifle, pistol, and shotgun. Competitors move quickly between stages and shoot accurately at various distances, all while under the pressure of the clock. The goal of 3-gun competition is to complete each stage in the shortest amount of time with the most accurate shots. If you’re interested in trying your hand at this challenging sport, read on for tips on getting started and how to succeed in 3-gun competition.

Understanding the Firearm Combination 

One of the unique aspects of 3-gun competition is the use of three different firearms – rifle, pistol, and shotgun. Each firearm has its own set of challenges and requires different skills and techniques from the competitor. 


Rifles are typically the primary firearm used in 3-gun competitions. The most popular rifles used are AR-15s and their variants, as they are lightweight, have a low recoil, and are customizable. The rifles used in 3-gun competitions often feature extended magazines and optics, allowing for quicker and more accurate target acquisition.


Shotguns are another primary firearm used in 3-gun competitions. The most commonly used shotguns are semi-automatic or pump-action, with magazine extensions that can hold up to 8-10 rounds. Shotguns used in 3-gun competitions often have shorter barrels and are designed for fast and efficient reloading.


Handguns are the final firearm used in 3-gun competitions. Shooters typically use semi-automatic pistols, which are lightweight and have a high-capacity magazine. The pistols used in 3-gun competitions are designed for quick and easy reloading and often feature a fiber optic front sight or red dot sight for fast target acquisition.

Dry fire practice is essential for success in competitive shooting matches, especially when it comes to mastering the pistol. However, dry-firing some weapons can cause damage. The use of snap caps, laser cartridges, or other dry fire trainers designed to mitigate that chance of damage is recommended.

It is important to note that reloading from slide lock is discouraged in USPSA matches/events/leagues/tournaments. Keeping your finger out of the trigger guard when not shooting and never breaking the 180-degree rule during competitive shooting events are crucial to maintaining a safe and secure environment. The USPSA rules stipulate that this must be the case when moving (see 8.5.1 in previous link) however when waiting for new targets to appear (or be assigned) it is a good practice to hold the trigger at the reset position instead of releasing completely.

Before participating in 3-gun competition, it is recommended to shoot several USPSA matches to gain experience and get a feel for the competition. Strategies for winning include consistent practices, maintaining the fundamentals of marksmanship, and staying calm under pressure. 

The Goal of 3-Gun Competition

The main goal of 3-gun competition is to complete each stage in the shortest amount of time with the most accurate shots. Competitors are judged on their speed, accuracy, and safety throughout the competition. The combination of firearm usage and movement between stages adds an extra layer of challenge. It requires competitors to quickly switch between the different firearms and shoot quickly and  accurately at various distances. 

The competition can take place indoors or outdoors, giving competitors a wide range of possible scenarios, settings, and challenges. The USPSA designs a variety of shooting environments for its competitions.

Participating in 3-gun competition offers a great opportunity for shooters to test their skills and build friendships with other competitors. However, the physical demands necessary for 3-gun competition are high, requiring strength, agility, and endurance. Shooters will want to move quickly across the range and may be required to negotiate obstacles or move into uncomfortable shooting positions.  Competitors are encouraged to improve their fitness and endurance to excel in the competition. 

Overall, becoming a competitive shooter in 3-gun competitions requires a goal-oriented mindset, consistent practice, and proper equipment. With practice shooters will build a better understanding of the sport’s goals, and can experience the thrill of the competition while challenging  themselves to achieve new personal goals.

How Competitors Are Judged

Competitors in 3-gun competition are judged on three main areas – speed, accuracy, and safety. The goal is to complete each stage with the most accurate shots, transition from one weapon system to the next as fast as possible, and complete the course in the shortest amount of time–all while maintaining proper safety procedures. 


Speed is one of the key factors in 3-gun competition, and participants must complete each stage as quickly as possible while maintaining accuracy. Time is a significant factor, and competitors must move quickly between the stages, switch between different firearms, and shoot accurately at various distances.


Accuracy is another critical component of 3-gun competition. Competitors must hit targets precisely, which is not an easy task, especially when shooting from different positions, distances, and with varying firearms. Each shot is closely monitored, and every miss can significantly impact the final score.


Finally, safety is of utmost importance in 3-gun competition. Competitors must handle firearms safely, follow the range commands, and ensure that all firearms are unloaded and pointed in a safe direction when not in use. Any violation of the safety rules can result in penalties or disqualification from the competition

Competitors must move quickly between stages and shoot accurately at various distances with multiple different weapons systems, adding an additional layer of complexity competitors may encounter obstacles as well as barriers blocking certain targets. Both physical and mental sharpness are required to excel in this sport. 

There are many things to consider to achieve a high score, but perhaps most importantly, successful competitors develop a strategy that allows them to focus on the weapon system where they have the most aptitude. In this way, they can make the most of their own strengths when obtaining their score.

Overall, 3-gun competition is a demanding and exciting sport that requires dedication, proper equipment, the ability to adapt under pressure, and a focus on safety.  Regular shooting practice and maintaining a good physical condition are absolutely essential to being competitive in this sport. 

Venue of 3-Gun Competition

3-gun competitions are generally held outdoors and can host a wide variety of lane setups that can even require shooters to negotiate obstacles, providing a unique challenge for competitors. The venue can have an impact on the challenges that competitors will face since organizers strive to create new lanes that pose unique challenges for shooters. For instance, pistol lanes may have different stage layouts that require more dynamic and precise movements, while rifle and shotgun lanes may require long-range shots with varied terrain and weather conditions that require strategic planning on the competitor’s part.

On the day of competition, it is important to arrive early for a safety briefing, especially if you are new to 3-gun competitions. This briefing usually provides first-time shooters with a basic understanding of safety procedures and equipment requirements as well as a walk-through of the course and an explanation of the unique challenges shooters will face on it. 

Some competitions may encourage Competitors to bring carts with TV tables and umbrellas as well as any equipment a shooter may want for personal comfort between lanes. As with all shooting events Eye and ear protection is necessary for any 3-gun competition, where more than 150 rounds of ammunition may be expended in a single lane of competition. 

In conclusion, understanding the different venue options available and having appropriate safety equipment are both essential for participating in 3-gun competitions. Competitors are encouraged to be prepared for the physical demands of the sport and to prioritize safety throughout the competition.

Deals of the Day

Access to Firearms, Ammunition, and Safety Equipment

To get started in 3-gun competition, you will need access to firearms, ammunition, and safety equipment. It is important to have the necessary equipment before you start training for the competition. A semiautomatic handgun is required for modern 3-gun competitions, and a good outside-the-waistband holster is necessary to safely carry the pistol during the competition, while the rifle and shotgun will generally be staged at specific portions of the course

Aside from the pistol, shotgun, and rifle are the other two firearm options used in the competition. Competitors must ensure they have access to all three firearms to participate. Adequate amounts of ammunition are also required, with at least 150 rounds needed for the competition. It is important to check the rules and regulations of each competition to see the types of weapons and calibers of rounds allowed.

Safety equipment, such as eye and ear protection, is crucial for any competitive shooter, including those participating in 3-gun competition.

Common mistakes to avoid during 3-gun competition include careless safety regulation violations–such as pointing your weapon in an unsafe direction, without muzzle awareness–not having the proper equipment, or focusing too much on competitiveness rather than proper technique. Competitors are encouraged to make safety their top priority and arrive early for safety briefings (new shooters will especially benefit from these explanations of the specific challenges they’ll be facing), as well as always have the correct equipment on hand for a safe and successful competition experience.

In conclusion, access to firearms, ammunition, and safety equipment is necessary for anyone who wants to start training for 3-gun competitions. Proper equipment availability combined with a focus on safety and mastering the necessary techniques–including improving one’s own level of physical stamina and fitness– will set the foundation for a successful and enjoyable competition experience.

Benefits of Participating in 3-Gun Competition

Participating in 3-gun competition offers a variety of benefits for those who choose to take part. Among these benefits are the opportunities to build practical shooting skills in real-world environments and develop interpersonal relationships. Competitors must improve their physical fitness and endurance to excel in the sport, which can help to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Competitors can also develop crucial skills such as speed, accuracy, and problem-solving in a far more dynamic environment than a traditional flat range. Through regular practice and participation in competitions, competitors can improve these skills and work towards mastery. Additionally, 3-gun competition provides an opportunity to build relationships in a supportive community of like-minded individuals.

Overall, 3-gun competition provides an exciting and challenging opportunity for individuals to build skills, stay physically fit, and develop relationships within an encouraging and supportive community. It’s an excellent sport for those looking for both mental and physical challenges while prioritizing safety and skill-building.

The Physical Demands of 3-Gun Competition 

Participation in 3-gun competition requires significant physical demands, including strength, agility, and endurance. Competitors must be able to move quickly between stages, switch between different firearms, negotiate obstacles and shoot accurately at varying distances. 

Those looking to excel in 3-gun competition are encouraged to focus on improving their physical fitness and endurance to keep up with the sport’s physical demands. Consistent practice of the fundamentals of shooting is also essential for mastering the necessary skills.

To avoid burnout and injury, competitors are encouraged to pace themselves during competitions and maintain a healthy balance between physical and mental preparation. The right mindset and body preparation are critical for success in 3-gun competition.

In conclusion, understanding the physical demands of 3-gun competition and prioritizing physical and mental conditioning through consistent practice and preparation can help competitors excel in this challenging and rewarding sport.


In conclusion, 3-gun competition provides an exciting and challenging experience for firearms enthusiasts. By understanding the combination of firearms and the goal of the competition, participants can focus on developing the skills necessary to move quickly and shoot accurately. Safety and handling are crucial, and the right equipment is necessary to succeed in 3-gun competition. Dry-fire practice and strategies for winning can help participants improve their scores and stay focused during the competition. By prioritizing safety and avoiding common mistakes, participants can have fun and build interpersonal relationships while participating in 3-gun competitions.


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