How to Set Up Your PRS/F-Class Rifle

Rifle selection, optics, stock, trigger, barrel, ammunition, bedding, and recoil management all play a crucial role in setting up a competitive PRS/F-Class rifle for optimal performance.

How to Set Up Your PRS/F-Class Rifle


Time to read: 10 minutes

Date: 05/10/23

Are you a competitive shooter looking to set up a rifle for PRS/F-Class shooting? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about setting up a PRS/F-Class rifle. We’ll discuss the key components that can make or break your performance, from choosing the right caliber to selecting the perfect stock, trigger, and optics.

Setting up a PRS/F-Class rifle is serious business – it’s not for the faint of heart or the inexperienced. This is the kind of thing that separates the good from the great, the wheat from the chaff, the Tuckers from the Tuckees. Tucker Schmidt, if you’re not already familiar with him, is one of the top competitive rifle shooters in the world. And if you want to compete at that level, you need to know how to properly set up your rifle. So, grab a cup of coffee (or whatever), get comfortable, and let’s dive in!

Choosing the Right Rifle: What to look for when selecting a rifle for PRS/F-Class shooting

As a shooter, it’s important to ensure that your rifle fits you properly. But how do you know if it does? The answer is simple: if you feel comfortable and can achieve a natural point of aim, then your rifle fits you well. What is a natural point of aim, you ask? It’s a state where you can get behind the gun, close your eyes for ten seconds, and still be on target when you open them. If you can achieve this effortlessly, then your rifle fits you like a glove.

However, if you find yourself tensing your muscles, struggling to get a full sight picture, or contorting your body to get a proper sight picture, then it’s time to make some adjustments to your setup. Your rifle may not be fitting you properly, and this can affect your accuracy and overall shooting experience.

When selecting a rifle, you want to choose one that is well-suited for the type of shooting you plan to do. For PRS and F-Class shooting, you’ll want to choose a bolt-action rifle that is chambered in a caliber that is suitable for long-range shooting, such the Tikka T3x, Ruger Precision Rifle, and the Remington 700.

Optics: Selecting the right scope and mounting system for your rifle

Your optics are just as important as your rifle when it comes to long-range shooting. You want to choose a scope that offers a clear, bright image and has a reticle that is well-suited for the type of shooting you plan to do. 

  • Choose a scope that meets your competition requirements and provides the appropriate magnification and clarity.
  • Take the time to properly adjust your scope for optimal performance.
  • Consider using a bubble level to maintain consistent cant.

Look for scopes with a magnification range of at least 6x to 24x, and a large objective lens for maximum light transmission. Some popular scopes for PRS/F-Class shooting include the Vortex Viper PST Gen II, Nightforce ATACR, and the Bushnell Elite Tactical DMR.

Stock: Choosing the right stock for your rifle and how to properly fit it

The stock of your rifle plays a crucial role in your accuracy and precision. You want to choose a stock that is well-suited for your body type and shooting style. Look for a stock that is adjustable for length of pull, cheek rest height, and butt pad height. To help make that search a little easier, here is a little mini-guide on what you should consider:

Type of rifle stock

  • Traditional wooden stocks: These stocks offer a classic look and feel but may be heavy and require maintenance.
  • Synthetic stocks: These stocks are lightweight and low-maintenance but may lack the traditional feel some shooters prefer.
  • Chassis systems: These systems offer a modular design and the ability to customize your rifle’s configuration, but may be more expensive than traditional stocks.

The importance of finding your rifle match

  • Length of pull: A proper length of pull will allow you to comfortably shoulder the rifle and reach the trigger without straining.
  • Cheek weld: Having a consistent cheek weld will help you maintain proper sight alignment and reduce felt recoil.
  • Grip: A suitable grip will allow you to control the rifle without having to adjust your hand position.

Tips for adjusting your stock

  • Check the fit: Make sure the stock is properly mounted and that the length of pull, cheek weld, and grip all feel comfortable and secure.
  • Adjust the comb: If you’re having trouble maintaining a consistent cheek weld, consider adjusting the comb of the stock. This can help you achieve the proper eye alignment with your scope.
  • Add weight: Adding weight to your stock can help reduce felt recoil and improve stability. Consider adding weight to the butt of the stock or using a weighted butt pad.

Some popular stocks include the MDT ACC Chassis, McMillan A5, and the Grayboe Ridgeback.

Trigger: Selecting the right trigger for your rifle and how to adjust it correctly.

If you’re competing in PRS/F-Class events, you already know that accuracy is everything. That’s why having a quality trigger is key – it can make all the difference in the world. Picture this: you’re ready to take your shot, you’re aiming at your target, and then…BAM! Your trigger pulls like butter, with a smooth, crisp action that guarantees precision every time. That’s what a quality trigger can do for you.

Now, let’s take a look at the different types of triggers out there. You’ve got your single-stage, two-stage, and set triggers, each with its own pros and cons. It’s paramount to choose the right one for you and your shooting goals. For example, a single-stage trigger is great for quick, clean shots, while a two-stage trigger can provide a more gradual, predictable pull. 

When it comes to adjusting your trigger, there are two main factors to consider: 

  1. Pull Weight:  A lighter pull weight can definitely help improve accuracy, but it’s crucial to strike the right balance between ease of use and safety. You don’t want your trigger to be so light that it could accidentally go off
  1. Travel Distance: Adjusting the travel distance can also improve your accuracy by minimizing the amount of movement needed to fire the rifle.

But don’t just take our word for it – let’s look at the data. According to a study by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a lighter trigger pull weight can reduce shot group sizes by up to 50%. That’s a huge improvement! Plus, by adjusting your trigger to your liking, you’ll feel more confident and in control when taking your shots.

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Barrel: Selecting the right barrel for your rifle and how to properly install it

Manufacturers of high-quality barrels make barrels that can shoot as accurately as the shooter’s skill level. When it comes to hunting, most shooters prioritize the weight of the barrel, as a lightweight rifle is essential when trekking through rugged terrain. The barrel contour refers to the size, shape, and weight of the barrel, and it’s essential to ensure that the contour fits the stock inlet. Opting for a pre-fit barrel allows for easy interchangeability, and switch to a lighter carbon barrel for hunting purposes. Here are some points to keep in mind:

Types of barrels

  • Chrome-moly
  • Stainless steel
  • Carbon fiber

Factors to consider

Weight: The weight of your barrel can affect the balance and maneuverability of your rifle because it can alter the rifle’s center of gravity, making it feel heavier or lighter in certain areas. A heavier barrel may make the rifle feel more front-heavy, while a lighter barrel may make it feel more back-heavy. This can impact your ability to hold the rifle steady and make accurate shots, particularly over long periods of time.

Length: A longer barrel can provide a longer sight radius, which can aid in accuracy, but it can also make the rifle heavier and harder to maneuver quickly. On the other hand, a shorter barrel can make the rifle lighter and easier to move, but it can also make the sight radius shorter, which could make the rifle less accurate.

Twist rate: This is the rate at which the rifling inside the barrel rotates the bullet as it travels down the barrel. This rotation helps to stabilize the bullet in flight, which is crucial for accuracy. The twist rate is usually expressed as the length of barrel required to make one full rotation, such as 1:10 or 1:8.

A slower twist rate (such as 1:10) is ideal for lighter bullets, while a faster twist rate (such as 1:8) is better suited for heavier bullets. Using a twist rate that is too slow or too fast can lead to decreased accuracy or even damage to the firearm. A general rule of thumb is to use the fastest twist rate that is appropriate for your ammunition.

Ammunition: Selecting the right ammunition for your rifle and how to properly load it.

The type of ammunition you choose can significantly impact the accuracy and consistency of your shots. As such, it’s essential to take the time to select the right ammunition for your PRS/F-Class rifle. To select the right ammunition for your rifle, you should start by researching the different types of ammunition available. Consider the specific needs of your shooting goals and the characteristics of your rifle, such as the twist rate of the barrel.

Once you have a few different types of ammunition in mind, it’s essential to test them out. Set up targets at different distances and shoot several rounds with each type of ammunition. This process will help you determine which ammunition performs best with your rifle and shooting style.

Bedding: How to properly bed your rifle for accuracy and consistency.

When it comes to accuracy and consistency in shooting, bedding your rifle is essential. Bedding is the process of securing the action of a rifle into its stock, ensuring that the barrel and action are firmly held in place. This helps reduce vibration and movement when firing, resulting in improved accuracy. Here are some tips on how to properly bed your rifle for maximum performance: 

  1. Start by removing any existing bedding material from the stock. Use a chisel or other tool to carefully scrape away any old material that may be present. 
  2. Once all of the old material has been removed, use a solvent such as acetone or denatured alcohol to clean off any remaining residue from the stock’s surface. 
  3. Apply a thin layer of epoxy or other bedding compound onto the stock’s surface where you want to secure the action and barrel into place. Make sure that you spread it evenly across the entire area so that there are no gaps or air pockets left behind when you press down on it with your hand or tool. 
  4. Place your action into position within the stock and press down firmly until it is fully seated within its new home. Allow time for this process to dry completely before moving onto step five below! 
  5. Once dry, use sandpaper or steel wool to smooth out any rough edges around where you applied your bedding compound earlier on in this process – this will help ensure that everything fits together snugly without leaving any gaps between parts which could affect accuracy over time! 
  6. Finally, apply a coat of gun oil over all exposed metal surfaces (including inside of barrel) before taking your newly-bedded rifle out for its first test run! This will help protect against rust and corrosion while also providing lubrication which can improve accuracy even further than just having an accurately-bedded rifle alone!

Final Thoughts on Setting Up Your PRS/F-Class Rifle

Setting up your PRS/F-Class rifle requires careful consideration of several key components to achieve optimal performance. When you choose the right gun, scope, trigger, stock, barrel, ammunition, bedding, and recoil management system, your shots will be more accurate and consistent. 

It’s important to take the time to set up and maintain each part correctly and to practice and improve your skills as a precision shooter on a regular basis. While a PRS/F-Class rifle can range in price, it’s important to consider your budget and personal needs when selecting high-quality components that offer the best value for your money. 
With this comprehensive guide and putting in the time and effort to set up and practice with your rifle, you’ll be able to compete with confidence and accuracy in PRS/F-Class competitions. So go out there, set up your rifle, and shoot! Where precision meets passion.


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