Rifle Marksmanship – Mastering the 7 Best Fundamentals

Learn rifle marksmanship basics: choose the right rifle, master fundamentals, and follow safety protocols. Improve skills consistently with precise technique.

Rifle Marksmanship – Mastering the 7 Best Fundamentals


Time to read: 8 minutes

Date: July 21, 2023

Rifle marksmanship is an art form that involves shooting a rifle accurately and consistently. Mastering this skill requires knowledge of the rifle, ammunition, and shooting techniques, as well as practice. The importance of this subject extends not only to improving accuracy and precision but also to ensuring safety. 

In this article, we will dive into the fundamentals of rifle marksmanship, exploring the importance of good marksmanship skills, mastering the basics, choosing the right rifle, safety protocols, finding an experienced instructor, and popular live fire drills to help improve your skills. By the end of this article, you will understand the key principles of rifle marksmanship and have the tools to become a better marksman through consistent practice and precise technique.

Fundamentals of Rifle Marksmanship

Achieving accurate and consistent hits is critical to being a successful competition shooter. Understanding and mastering the key fundamentals of rifle marksmanship is essential to becoming an expert marksman. Below, we discuss seven key fundamentals of rifle marksmanship that every shooter should aim to master.


The first thing to master is your stance. The stance refers to your body’s position when shooting. The correct stance is crucial for consistency, control, and allowing for the natural recoil of the rifle. A good stance provides a solid foundation, balance, and support for your body and your rifle. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, and your knees should be slightly bent. The weight should be evenly distributed, and the body should be positioned toward the target. The stance should be comfortable and relaxed.


A proper grip allows for control and stability of your rifle. Your grip should be firm, creating an unbreakable bond between the shooter and the rifle. The front hand should grip your rifle’s forend, while your dominant hand should grip your rifle’s pistol grip. The thumb of your non-dominant hand should be positioned along the spine of the rifle. The trigger finger should be extended, resting against the stock, until ready to shoot.

Sight alignment

Proper sight alignment is crucial for accuracy. Sight alignment refers to the position of the front sight post or blade in relation to the rear aperture or notch. The front sight post should be centered in the rear aperture. Ensure that your rifle is level when you aim your sights. A slight cant can lead to missed shots.

Sight picture

After aligning your sights, you must obtain a sight picture. The sight picture describes what you see when you aim the rifle at your target. The front sight post should be placed on or near the target’s center. The top of the front sight post should be level with the top of the rear sight aperture.


It’s essential to control your breathing when shooting. Take a few deep breaths to lower your heart rate, inhale, and exhale slowly, and then hold your breath for a short period to steady the rifle before firing. A shot should be taken at the end of a natural respiratory pause.

Trigger control

The proper control of the trigger is key to shooting accurately. Your trigger hand should grip the pistol grip and rest on the trigger guard, waiting for the moment to pull the trigger. The trigger should be squeezed slowly and steadily until the shot fires, and then continue squeezing until the trigger hits the back of its travel.

Follow through

Follow-through is as important as the shot itself. Keep your focus on the target after you shoot. Maintaining your shooting posture and position for a few seconds takes discipline but is crucial for consistency. 

Importance of Sight Alignment and Trigger Control in Rifle Marksmanship

Of all the fundamental skills required to master rifle marksmanship, sight alignment and trigger control are perhaps the most important for achieving accuracy and precision. Sight alignment refers to the process of aligning your sights with the target, while trigger control is the ability to smoothly pull the trigger without disturbing your sight alignment. These skills are essential for maintaining accuracy and precision when taking shots, and they require patience, practice, and consistency to master.

By dedicating time and effort to mastering these skills, you can become a more proficient shooter and achieve greater accuracy and precision with your rifle. Whether you are a recreational shooter, competitive shooter, hunter, law enforcement officer, or military personnel, mastering the fundamentals of sight alignment and trigger control can help ensure safety on the range or in the field while also improving your shooting abilities.

Benefits of Good Marksmanship Skills

Good marksmanship skills can provide a range of benefits, including increased accuracy, precision, and confidence. Whether you are a competitive shooter or simply enjoy the sport of rifle shooting, having a firm grasp on the fundamentals of marksmanship can take your performance to the next level.


Accuracy is perhaps the most obvious benefit of mastering the fundamentals of rifle marksmanship. When you are able to consistently hit your target, you are not only more successful in whatever endeavor you are pursuing, but you can also enjoy a greater sense of satisfaction. Hitting your target repeatedly with pinpoint accuracy requires not only good technique, but also patience and discipline.


Precision is another benefit of good marksmanship skills. While accuracy refers to hitting a specific target, precision is the ability to place your shot exactly where you want it. This comes from a combination of good form and the ability to read the conditions correctly, such as wind or lighting. A precise shot can make all the difference in certain situations, such as hunting or defending yourself in a hazardous situation.


Increases in both accuracy and precision can lead to an increase in confidence. Being able to consistently hit your target can be a major confidence-booster, especially if you are new to rifle shooting. With practice, you can build on your marksmanship skills and develop a sense of trust in your own ability. This can translate to other facets of your life, such as work or personal relationships.

Improved safety

Good marksmanship skills can also improve safety. By learning and following proper technique, you minimize the risk of accidents or injuries. Additionally, you can avoid causing damage to your firearm, which can be expensive to repair. Being able to handle your firearm safely and responsibly is a crucial aspect of being a responsible gun owner.

Finally, good marksmanship skills can be a source of enjoyment and camaraderie. Shooting with friends or family can be a great way to bond and have fun together. In a competitive setting, you can push yourself to improve and succeed while still having a good time.

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Safety Protocols 

Safety is always a top priority when handling firearms. It’s crucial to understand safety protocols when handling any firearm or participating in any competition. Taking safety precautions reduces the risk of accidents and provides a safe environment for everyone involved.

Before handling a firearm, ensure that you have a proper understanding of all safety protocols. Always wear appropriate eye and ear protection while shooting and make sure you never point a gun at anything you do not intend to shoot. Also, keep your firearm properly maintained so that it functions correctly every time you use it.

Following safety protocols allows you to enjoy the sport of rifle marksmanship with confidence and peace of mind. Safety should always be a top priority, and understanding safety protocols is an essential part of mastering the fundamentals of rifle marksmanship.

Finding an Experienced Instructor

Mastering the fundamentals of rifle marksmanship requires dedication to practice and instruction from experienced professionals. Seeking guidance from an experienced instructor who can provide tips on technique and offer ways to improve your skills is important. This applies whether you are a recreational shooter, competitive shooter or law enforcement personnel.

An experienced expert instructor should be knowledgeable about the rifle, ammunition and shooting techniques. Instructors can help develop breathing and positioning techniques, zero the rifle and help you build familiarity with firing positions. They can also offer dry and live fire drills critical to enhancing your shooting abilities. 

When choosing an instructor, look for one who has a certification in marksmanship instruction or has relevant experience in rifle marksmanship. Good instructors will also have adequate knowledge and experience with different types of rifles, such as AR-15s, and the different types of ammunition required for competitive shooting.


In conclusion, rifle marksmanship is an essential skill for anyone who needs to use a rifle with accuracy, including competitive and recreational shooters. Mastering the fundamentals of rifle marksmanship requires dedication to practice, instruction from experienced professionals, and choosing the right rifle and ammunition for the competition. 

Safety protocols should always be taken when handling firearms, and finding an experienced instructor who can offer guidance on proper technique is crucial. Sight alignment, trigger control, and breathing and positioning techniques are some of the essential skills to master for steady aim, reducing recoil, and maintaining consistency when shooting at targets from various distances. 

By regularly practicing, taking safety precautions, building familiarity with firing positions, and regularly participating in dry and live-fire drills, anyone can become an expert marksman and improve their accuracy and precision. The key to mastering rifle marksmanship is practicing regularly and refining technique.


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