The Benefits of Using a Suppressor in Competitive Shooting

A suppressor in competitive shooting can improve accuracy, reduce recoil and noise, and protect hearing. Proper selection, installation, and maintenance are crucial.

The Benefits of Using a Suppressor in Competitive Shooting


Date: July 4, 2023

Time to read: 7 minutes

Competitive shooting is an exciting and thrilling sport that involves precision, accuracy, and focus. It’s a sport that requires a lot of concentration to hit your target, and anything that can help you to improve your shooting skills is an absolute game-changer. One such tool that can help you to become a better shooter is a suppressor. 

Yes, you read that right – a suppressor! Contrary to popular belief, suppressors are not just for spies and assassins; they have a wide range of benefits when it comes to competitive shooting. In this article, we’ll delve into the benefits of using a suppressor in competitive shooting and why it could be the edge you need to take your accuracy to the next level.


The benefits of using a suppressor in competitive shooting are numerous, but one of the most significant is the reduction in recoil. Recoil is the backward movement of the gun after firing, and it can interfere with your ability to maintain your aim and take follow-up shots quickly. By using a suppressor, you are essentially reducing the amount of blast and pressure that escapes from the gun, resulting in less recoil. 

This means that you’ll have better accuracy, faster target acquisition, and ultimately, improved scores. Additionally, suppressors can reduce the noise generated by the gun, making the overall shooting experience more comfortable and enjoyable. So if you’re looking for a game-changing tool to up your competitive shooting game, look no further than a suppressor.

Protecting Hearing During Shooting

One of the often-overlooked benefits of using a suppressor in competitive shooting is protecting your hearing. Shooting can produce deafening noise levels, and frequent exposure to loud sounds can lead to permanent hearing damage. Using a suppressor can help to reduce the noise level of the gun, making shooting much more comfortable, and reducing the risk of developing long-term hearing problems.

Not only will using a suppressor protect your hearing, but it can also help you to improve your overall shooting performance. Without the intense blasting noise, you’ll be better able to maintain your focus and concentration, and your accuracy is likely to improve as a result.

In conclusion, using a suppressor in competitive shooting has multiple advantages, including better accuracy, faster target acquisition, greater comfort while shooting, and protection against hearing damage. With all of these benefits, it’s easy to see why using a suppressor is no longer just for spies and assassins, but a valuable tool for competitive shooting.

Learn more about hearing protection in our other article!

Considerations for Competitive Shooting with Suppressors

Before rushing out to purchase a suppressor for your next competitive shooting competition, there are a few things that you should consider. Firstly, it’s essential to check the rules and regulations of your shooting range or competition to ensure that using a suppressor is allowed. While suppressors are becoming more mainstream, some ranges and competitions still prohibit the use of them.

Another important consideration is the type of ammunition you’ll be using with your suppressor. Using subsonic ammunition is highly recommended when using a suppressor, as it produces less noise and recoil. Additionally, it’s crucial to invest in electronic sound gear, such as earplugs or earmuffs, to further protect your hearing.

When purchasing a suppressor, it’s essential to research the different types available and select one that’s suitable for your specific gun model. Installation and maintenance of suppressors are also crucial factors to consider, as improper installation or maintenance can lead to malfunctions or even accidents.

Overall, while using a suppressor in competitive shooting can provide numerous benefits, it’s important to consider all the necessary factors before incorporating them into your shooting routine.

Ammunition and Electronic Sound Gear

Using suppressors in competitive shooting requires careful consideration of ammunition. As mentioned before, subsonic ammunition is the ideal option for shooting with a suppressor, as it produces less noise and recoil. But if you are not sure what kind of ammunition your gun takes, it is best to ask a professional or more experienced shooter for advice.

Just as crucial as picking the right ammunition is purchasing the right electronic sound equipment. Noise-canceling earplugs or earmuffs that do not interfere with speech are an absolute necessity. When shooting without ear protection, you risk developing tinnitus, losing your hearing, or even going deaf. Invest in quality earplugs without skimping elsewhere.

Using electronic sound gear will also allow you to maintain situational awareness, hear range commands, and communicate with other shooters on the range while still protecting your ears. In conclusion, choosing the right ammunition and investing in proper electronic sound gear ensure a safe and enjoyable shooting experience with a suppressor.

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Advantages of Using Suppressors with PCCs

When it comes to competitive shooting, pistol caliber carbines (PCCs) have become increasingly popular. And it’s not hard to see why. PCCs offer a cost-effective and accessible way to improve shooting skills and provide a whole new level of fun and excitement. But did you know that using a suppressor with your PCC can give you even more benefits?

Firstly, suppressors can drastically reduce the noise level when using a PCC. Shooting with a PCC can be particularly loud, and the blast can affect your focus and aim. By using a suppressor, you’ll eliminate that ear-shattering noise, which in turn will improve your concentration and allow for quicker follow-up shots.

Secondly, since PCCs use pistol ammunition, using a suppressor with subsonic ammunition will produce even less noise and recoil. This can have a significant impact on accuracy and result in much tighter groupings.

Lastly, using a suppressor with a PCC can also increase the overall enjoyment and satisfaction of shooting. The reduced recoil and noise level create a more comfortable shooting experience, which can make it much more enjoyable in the long run.

Purchasing and Selecting Suppressors

Finding the right suppressor for competitive shooting can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to the sport. When it comes to purchasing a suppressor, it’s important to do your research and select one that meets your specific needs and preferences. Consider factors such as the caliber you’ll be using, the length and weight of the suppressor, the type of mounting system you prefer, and the intended use of the suppressor.

To ensure that you get the best value for your money, it’s essential to purchase from reputable companies that offer quality products and customer service. You also need to consider the legal requirements for owning a suppressor in your state or country as they differ. Some states require special licenses and permits to own suppressors, while others prohibit them altogether.

Lastly, it’s crucial to consider the maintenance and upkeep of suppressors as they require proper cleaning and lubrication to stay in tip-top shape. With the right suppressor, you can take your competitive shooting skills to new heights and enhance your overall shooting experience.

Installation and Maintenance of Suppressors

Suppressors must be installed and maintained properly to perform as intended and to extend their useful lifespan. Make sure your firearm is spotless before installing the suppressor to ensure optimal performance. Suppressors and firearms come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing one. The alignment of the suppressor must be checked to ensure that neither it nor the firearm will be damaged.

Lubrication and periodic cleaning are essential components of any maintenance plan. In order to maintain optimal performance, suppressors should be cleaned after each use to remove any debris or residue that may have accumulated inside. Follow the directions on the cleaning kit carefully to avoid damaging the suppressor. To avoid corrosion and promote easy operation, lubricate all moving parts after cleaning. 

Proper installation and maintenance of suppressors can keep them functioning optimally and extend their lifespan. By taking care of your suppressor, you’ll reap the benefits of using it in competitive shooting for years to come.

Gun maintenance is vital. Learn more about proper firearm maintenance in our other article!


The benefits of using a suppressor in competitive shooting cannot be ignored. From reduced noise pollution to improved accuracy and reduced recoil, using a suppressor can truly enhance the shooting experience. The ability to communicate with your team during matches without the need for ear protection is also a major advantage. 

Additionally, using a suppressor can improve your spotting abilities by minimizing the dust and debris kicked up by the gun. Overall, it seems that incorporating a suppressor into your competitive shooting repertoire can lead to a myriad of benefits. So, if you’re looking to up your game in competitive shooting, consider adding a suppressor to your toolkit. You might be surprised at just how much it can improve your performance!


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