Why you Should be Using a Good Over-Under Shotgun for Skeet Shooting

Time to read: 4 minutes Date: March 1, 2023 Skeet shooting is an incredibly popular sport that requires an accurate and reliable shotgun. One of the best choices for skeet shooting is an over-under shotgun. In this blog post, we will discuss why an over-under shotgun is the best choice for skeet shooting, the advantages …

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Why you Should be Using a Good Over-Under Shotgun for Skeet Shooting


Time to read: 4 minutes

Date: March 1, 2023

Skeet shooting is an incredibly popular sport that requires an accurate and reliable shotgun. One of the best choices for skeet shooting is an over-under shotgun. In this blog post, we will discuss why an over-under shotgun is the best choice for skeet shooting, the advantages it offers, the different price ranges, considerations when selecting a shotgun, different brands and models available, as well as challenges you may face when becoming proficient at shotgunning.

Why is an Over-Under Shotgun the Best Choice for Skeet Shooting

When it comes to skeet shooting, an Over/Under (OU) shotgun is the best choice for accuracy and durability. OU shotguns rely on a hinge rather than a rotating bolt, making them more accurate and durable. They have two barrels instead of one, as well as a more complex trigger system. OU shotguns are more expensive than other types of shotguns, but they are worth the investment due to their superior performance and longevity.

For high-volume clay shooting, an OU shotgun is the standard recommendation. Competition OUs can get pricey quickly; the BT 99 is a good option that’s more affordable for recreational use only. Experienced shooters recommend going into stores and checking out as many different models as possible when looking for a new shotgun. With proper care, an OU shotgun can last for tens of thousands of rounds—making it well worth the investment for serious skeet shooters!

Advantages of an Over/Under Shotgun

An OU shotgun has several advantages over other types of shotguns. 

  1. It relies on a hinge rather than a rotating bolt.
  2. It has two barrels instead of one, allowing for faster follow-up shots. 
  3. It’s more complex trigger system allows for better control and precision. 
  4. They are very durable and can last for tens of thousands of rounds with proper care. 

When selecting an OU shotgun, it is important to consider purpose, budget, and experience level. You should also consider how you transport your shotgun and how to store your ammo!

Price Range of Over/Under Shotguns

When it comes to skeet shooting, it is important to consider your budget and experience level. Browning and Beretta models start at around $3,000 USD while Caesar Guerini and Krieghoff models start at around $7,000 USD. For those on a budget, the CZ Drake is a good starter over/under for around $600-700 USD. Competition OUs can get pricey quickly; the BT 99 is a good option that’s more affordable for recreational use only. The CZ Drake is also a good starter OU for around $799.00 USD.

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Standard Recommendation for High-Volume Clay Shooting 

When it comes to high-volume clay shooting, the standard recommendation is an Over/Under (OU) shotgun. 

When trying out different models, it is essential to pay attention to fit; Browning and Beretta fit differently than the CZ Drake. Poorly fitting shotguns will be uncomfortable to shoot and less accurate than those that fit well. 

Overall, an OU shotgun is the best choice for high-volume clay shooting due to its accuracy and durability. It is important to consider purpose, budget, and experience level when selecting a shotgun in order to find one that fits you properly and meets your needs.

Fit is Important When Selecting a Shotgun 

When selecting a shotgun for skeet shooting, fit is an important factor to consider. Poorly fitting shotguns will be uncomfortable to shoot and less accurate than those that fit well. Experienced shooters recommend going into stores and trying out as many different models as possible when looking for a new shotgun. It is important to note that Mossberg 500s are fine for hunting but after shooting 100 rounds of clays with one, your shoulder may hurt for 3-4 days due to poor fit. If you have to futz with your shotgun for 30 seconds before shooting, it does not fit you properly.

Browning and Beretta fit differently than the CZ Drake, so it’s important to try out multiple models before making a purchase decision. BT99s are good recommendations for serious trap shooters but not necessarily for anyone else. Ultimately, finding the right fit is essential in order to maximize accuracy and comfort when skeet shooting.


An over-under shotgun is the preferred choice for skeet shooting due to its accuracy, durability, and versatility. It is important to consider your purpose, budget, and experience level when selecting a shotgun so you can find the model that best fits your needs. While there are many different brands and models available in a variety of price ranges, it is also essential to ensure that the fit of the gun is correct before investing in it. Becoming proficient with your shotgun takes practice but with the right equipment and dedication, you can become an expert skeet shooter. If you are looking for an accurate and reliable weapon for clay shooting then an over-under shotgun should be at the top of your list.


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